書名 CMOS VLSI Engineering: Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) 著者 James B. Kuo (著), Ker-Wei Su (著) 出版社 : Springer; 第1998版 (1998/9/30) 発売日 : 1998/9/30 言語 : 英語 ハードカバー : 458ページ ISBN-10 : 0792382722 ISBN-13 : 978-0792382720 内容 Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) CMOS technology has been regarded as another major technology for VLSI in addition to bulk CMOS technology. Owing to the buried oxide structure, SOI technology offers superior CMOS devices with higher speed, high density, and reduced second order effects for deep-submicron low-voltage, low-power VLSI circuits applications. In addition to VLSI applications, and because of its outstanding properties, SOI technology has been used to realize communication circuits, microwave devices, BICMOS devices, and even fiber optics applications. 以下略 #CMOS #デバイス #LSI #論理回路 #SOI