洋書: The Psychology of Money サイコロジー・オブ・マネー 著者:Morgan Housel出版社:Jaico Books言語情報: ENG英語インド版Indian Edition海外の出版物は製本、紙質、印刷、商品の取り扱い等、多少の凹み、小キズ、汚れなどある場合があります。新品未使用ですが、運送中箱や絵本に多少の汚れ等表面や角に若干の折れスレ等ある場合がございます。神経質な方のご購入はご遠慮ください。Overseas publications may have some dents, small scratches, dirt, etc., such as binding, paper quality, printing, handling of products, etc. Although it is new and unused, there may be some dirt on the surface and corners during transportation. Please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous.